The handiwork of wisdom

“What you think is the point is not the point at all but only the beginning of the sharpness.” 
- Flann O'Brien, The Third Policeman

cowboys playing cowboys

Rocks on fire against
Open sky, a cowboy smokes
Wilds turned location


I've been asked to see
God in almost everything

Cracks that are also Canyons

Small veins in concrete
Their shadows fall magnified -
Light is fixed just now.


Gums surround bared teeth
Sucked back, waiting to fight. Us,
small trees in a field.

eastern winds

unease, familiar
eastern winds unsettle bones -
windchimes sound the change.


I remember a good friend’s tattoo
Creating star charts with her own freckles -
Seems a better use of space.
Dolly Parton sings about leaving
Our palms touch as we weave quadrille
Breathless, dance and count, unfettered.
The record skips from reckless stomps
We roar and snake, uncaring.

The tea steeps near my
Waiting, freckled arms
And I am tempted to dip my wrist towards
the steaming kettle.
I look to the aquarium-green room,
Not a shimmer of that gaiety remains
But I beat out the counts with my spoon -
One, two. One, two.

Walk to the doors and be sure they are bolted
One, two
Shake up the dust, let it find new homes
One, two
Measure the sounds and turn all to silent
One, two
If it isn’t heard, it isn’t seen, it isn’t true.