adventures in perversity

I've been working with Maggie Nelson to create a reading at the Center, above is the poster I made for it. I am so excited to work with Maggie, as she was one of the most invested CalArts faculty members, and a real guide in helping me shape my practice. If you haven't read her work, I encourage you to pick up Something Bright, Then Holes..or any of her work really.
here's an interview.
and, to contribute to today's poetry theme, here's an excerpt from some robert creeley i've been reading..
This early still sunless morning when a chair’s
creak translates to cat’s cry a blackness still
out the window might be apparent night when the
house still sleeping behind me seems a bag of
immense empty silence and I feel the children
still breathing still shifting their dreams an
enigma will soon arrive here and the loved one
centers all in her heavy sleeping arm out the
leg pushed down bedclothes this body unseen un-
known placed out there in night I can feel all
about me still sitting in this small spare pool of
light watching the letters the words try to speak.

(from Helsinki Window)