our eyes aren't windows -
glass is just sand and lightning,
waves form in old panes.


“We have no need of other worlds. We need mirrors. We don't know what to do with other worlds. A single world, our own, suffices us; but we can't accept it for what it is.” 
― Stanisław LemSolaris


Three girls, lingering
over a park bench
Carving into its wood
Reckless with penknives
laughter and howls
They hold hands, palms slick
The day is hot, palm trees shift
Uneasy, embarrassed by
Their lack of shadow.

Two against one
Suddenly games forgotten
Lips upturned and taunting
Honing in on weakness
They lunge, sick with heat
Shining like wet horses
“Who knows what children fight about”
says an old woman, distant -
the palms shake, wild like tinsel.

sorry its been so long

countless mornings spent
letting bright absorb all thought,
leaned in the threshold.

         photo by zach kellogg


pink flecks, taste pennies
trying to pick up each tooth,
bogdan smiles and shrugs.